The artist's Muse--sometimes a lifelong companion, other times, the most elusive of mistresses--has always intrigued me. My curiosity stems from the desire to capture this muse, whether it is defining it or holding on to its often diaphanous presence; studying it to better understand what moves me to create images.
Muses can take the form of an Idea, one that never lets go of you; a constant Vision; or a human being that personifies Inspiration. Muses are also fleeting, appearing for a moment then slipping through time and returning unexpectedly. Or never.
I am drawn to capturing these fleeting moments with my chosen tool, the camera. In like manner, the momentary motion and companion emotion expressed by a dancer fleets by and will only exist in that particular second. Once done, it can never be repeated in exactly the same manner no matter how perfectly executed the next time around.
This to me is the beauty of capturing life’s energy in motion through the lenses of my camera. Such is my ongoing visual journal and journey - for me to capture the spirit of my muse.